Parent Involvement
Parents have a very important role in the centre and are warmly invited to contribute in a variety of ways:
- talking to us about their children and helping us to know and understand them better;
- sharing ideas and suggestions informally with the Director and staff;
- sharing with children and/or staff, any aspects of their family culture or
- assisting with our programs by sharing their skills and talents;
- participating in centre activities;
- helping with resources (egcollecting "junk" materials).
- evaluating and reviewing various centre policies and procedures as well as programs and their
- child’s progress.
Parent Noticeboard
A parent noticeboard is located in the foyer of the centre which is used for posting notices and articles which may be of interest to parentsPlease check the noticeboard regularly for new informationParents can also arrange with the Director to display notices of events items of interest on the board.
Parent / Accreditation Committee
The Centre boasts a very active Parent/Accreditation Committee which is made up of parents and staff, and acts as a formal conduit between parents and staff in an advisory capacityThis Committee meets on a regular basis and shares ideas on various matters, reviews and evaluates policies, procedures etcdepending on an outline of events established early in the year, as well as other matters that arise during the yearPlease feel free to join the Committee, attend some meetings, or provide ideas via your parent representatives (who are noted on their children's information pocket in each room)Minutes of the meetings are circulated to all parents soon after the meeting.
Parent Library
The parent library is housed in the front foyer which includes books, DVD’s and other reference materialA list of the resources available can be obtained from the library unitIf a parent wishes to borrow a particular resource, the Director's permission must be sought so as to document borrowed material.
Newsletter - "Junior Talk"
The Centre has a quarterly newsletter that provides parents with important information about the Centre's events and activitiesParents have the opportunity to provide input to the newsletter by liaising with the Director, or by placing a note in the suggestion box in the foyerThe latest newsletter can be viewed on our website.
Parent Responsibilities
Parents are requested to keep all centre documentation up to date including: emergency contacts, telephone numbers, immunisations, changes to care arrangements, allergies or any other information that is important to best care and educate your child.
Additional Information
If you require a copy of the Parent Handbook, enrolment form or other additional information, we will be happy to email you with the relevant information.