Fees & Payments
At Essex Heights Juniors, fees are expected to be paid each week as outlined in the Parent Handbook. Once families have commenced they will be issued with an invoice and the weekly fee and payment options discussed.
The centre uses a web- based fees program called Hubhello for the administration of all accounts. Parents will be issued their own username and passwords to access their individual account which enables them to view their payments as well as print off their own statements and receipts.
Access Hubhello : https://hubhello.com
The program also allows parents to update their child’s enrolment records such as immunisations, mobile phone numbers, emergency contacts etc, which makes it a very valuable resource for all.
For more information on Child Care Subsidy ( CCS ), please go to www.education.gov.au/early-childhood/child-care-subsidy or telephone the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50 to register.
Other Useful Contacts
Information on the Child Care Tax rebate -AustralianTax office
13 28 61 | www.ato.gov.au
Immunisation information- Immunise Australia
1800 671 811
To check your child's immunisation status Immunisation Register
1800 653 809