Welcome to Essex Heights Juniors
Essex Heights Juniors Early Learning and Child Care Centre is a purpose built centre that has been designed with the children's needs and interests as foremost priority, and is licensed to cater for 87 children.
The centre has two buildings: one to cater for both Pre-school and Kindergarten children and the other educates the children under the age of 3. The centre is privately owned and run by the Approved Providers, Arthur and Paula Papanicolaou who have been operating this business since 1997.
Paula Papanicolaou is qualified in all areas of primary and early childhood education, as well as having three children of her own. She oversees the staff and all matters relating to the education and care of the children. Arthur manages the administration side of the business including fees and payments.
The Centre's operation is governed by the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 and the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010, which are administered by the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development together with the Commonwealth Government.